Walking and Cycling Index Data Tool

Explore the data using our interactive dashboards

Our Walking and Cycling Index dashboards allow you to explore and compare data in much more detail. They include:

  • data from 18 cities, regions and boroughs across the United Kingdom and Ireland
  • different dashboards showing what people think, what people do and the infrastructure around them
  • demographic data to understand different groups
  • lots of data from 2019 and even more from 2021.

The dashboards

Male and female coworkers cycling side by side

What people think

Explore people's attitudes to walking, wheeling and cycling.

For example, you can find out what people think would make them cycle more, what they think of their local area, or where they would like to see government spending.

Open the 'What people think' dashboard
Three people are in conversation as they walk over a small wooden bridge in Tower Hamlets, London. A leafy green tree is to the left of them and tall buildings are in the distance.

What people do

Explore people's walking, cycling and wheeling behaviours.

For example, you can find our how frequenctly people use different types of transport, what they cycle and walk for, or how many short journeys they make by car.

Open the 'What people do' dashboard

How to use the data tool

We've put together detailed guidance and helpful tips on how to get the most out of our Index dashboards.

There's also a series of video tutorials you can watch to help you familiarise yourself with the tool.

See how to use the Walking and Cycling Index dashboards.



Accessing the Walking and Cycling Index data

The Walking and Cycling Index dashboards offer an interactive way to explore data but do not offer the option to download datasets.

If you are interested in accessing data for in-depth analysis, please download and fill in our data request form and email it to Dene.Stevens@sustrans.org.uk.

Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed.